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Sports management and Sports economic


Univ.-Prof. Mag. Martin Schnitzer, PhD

  • Basic and applied research on issues of sport and health economics

  • Sport development and management of sport organizations

Prevention and Health Aspects
  • Socio-economic effects of sport and exercise programs in everyday life and leisure (especially sport and health tourism);

  • Socio-political decisions, development of offers and evaluation of these in (municipal) sports development

  • Issues of active mobility in everyday life and leisure time

  • Opportunities and risks of trends in sport and exercise (e.g. e-sports)

Lifespan Perspective
  • Sociological issues of sport (socialization in/through sport, sport and integration)

  • Sport and exercise from an epidemiological perspective (prevention, health economic consequences of sporting (in)activity)

  • Management of sport and exercise (e.g. development of sports clubs)

  • Sports participation in the respective age groups (motives, obstacles, offers and their management)

Externally Funded Projects
  • Projekt (Forschungsförderung), Tele-Prävention - Exemplarische Entwicklung eines touristisch genutzten Tele-Prävention Programmes mit Fokus Bewegung,03.05.2021-30.09.2021, Standortagentur Tirol (Tiroler Zukunftsstiftung), 7000,00 EUR

  • Projekt (Forschungsförderung), SportEntwicklungsPlan SEP, 01.07.2020-30.06.2023, Stadt Innsbruck (Magistrat), 120000,00    EUR, 

  • Projekt (Forschungsförderung), Schnitzer, Martin; Schlemmer, Philipp Alexander; Thompson, Elisabeth; Welte, Heike    Evidence-based Physical Activities in Sport and Health Tourism,  01.03.2019-31.08.2021, Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG)    Qualifizierungsnetze - Forschungskompetenzen für die Wirtschaft, 152387,00 EUR

  • Effect of specific vacation activities on well-being    EFFVACWELL, 01.01.2017-30.06.2018, Tiroler Wissenschaftsförderung (TWF), Nachwuchsförderung 12000,00 EUR

  • Projekt (Forschungsförderung), Schnitzer, Martin; Abegg, Bruno; Mailer, Markus; Steiger, Robert     Der Stellenwert von Mobilität im gesundheitsorientierten Tourismus, MOBGETOU, 01.07.2016 - 31.12.2017, Tourismusforschungszentrum Tirol, 25000,00 EUR

  • Empirical studies (with qualitative and quantities research designs, combined with observations, mixed methods approaches)

  • Experimental study design (e.g. Online experiments)

Publication Highlights
  • Maximilian Seidl, Philipp Schlemmer, Martin Niedermeier, Gerhard Ruedl, Martin Schnitzer, Do low-priced ski pass owners perceive a higher quality of life? A case study of the Leisure Card Tirol, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, Volume 24, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 1073-1076, ISSN 1440-2440,

  • Seidl M, Schlemmer P, Niedermeier M, Ruedl G, Schnitzer M (2021) Do low-priced ski pass owners perceive a higher quality of life? A case study of the Leisure Card Tirol, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, Volume 24, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 1073-1076, ISSN 1440-2440,

  • Schlemmer P, Blank C, Schnitzer, M (2019) Does Physical Activity during Alpine Vacations Increase Tourists’ Well-Being? Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16(10), 1707;

  • Schlemmer P, Blank C, Bursa B, Mailer M, Schnitzer M (2019) Does Health-Oriented Tourism Contribute to Sustainable Mobility?, Sustainability 2019, 11(9), 2633;

  • Schnitzer M, Schöttl SE, Kopp M, Barth M (2020) COVID-19 stay-at-home order in Tyrol, Austria: sports and exercise behaviour in change? Public Health, Volume 185, 2020,
    Pages 218-220, ISSN 0033-3506,

  • Frühauf A, Schnitzer M, Schobersberger W, Weiss, G Kopp M (2020) Jogging, nordic walking and going for a walk - inter-disciplinary recommendations to keep people physically active in times of the covid-19 lockdown in Tyrol, Austria Current Issues in Sport Science, DOI:

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